Tutorial 3 Devlog


NavMesh in a feature in Unity which allows someone to create an AI character (an agent) and allow it to navigate terrain, where and how it moves can also be edited. 

Above is what NavMesh on terrain looks like (I stole Ian's image and my NavMesh just looks way messier haha)

For the portfolio during this tutorial we were required to instantiate AI characters with NavMesh using raycasting. Raycasting detects collisions between two points and can be used for a whole range of things, but for this we are checking where the players mouse is in reference to the ground and spawning characters there. We were also required to have those characters chase the player character.


As you can see, where I click, enemies will spawn. I accidentally made them multiply rather than just creating one but oh well, more chaos HAHAH

Player Tracking:

It was hard to fit a short enough gif to see the enemy tracking the player here and I had to decompress the heck out of it but this gif does a decent job of showing this.

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