Module 4 Devlog (Game Ideas)

Idea one: (Movement Based Time Trial)

My first idea is one I have been thinking about for a while, I have always loved trying to speedrun games, not religiously but I do enjoy spending some time trying to beat my best. I really enjoy games like trackmania, this sort of game is a great example of the fast paced type of game aimed around being as fast as possible. The great thing about a game like trackmania is you do not have to be a sweaty gamer to play it, even casual players who don't have a crazy amount of skill can still enjoy the game. 

This brings me to my idea, I want to create a fast paced, movement based game. The idea will be that the player has to use a grappling hook (fulfilling the theme of "connected") to run, jump and grapple through a level whilst avoiding enemies/obstacles and attempting to beat their/others times. The grappling hook will be the main form of movement throughout the game.

This game will ideally have similarities to games like portal 2 and even apex legends. As I mentioned before, this game is based on being the fastest possible, trying to fulfil every speedrunners fantasies. This however, does not mean the game wont cater to other players wants, the aim is for it to still be very enjoyable for non-speedrunners who will see the game as a movement based puzzle game. The game will be easy to understand and easy to play but will have lots of room to get better and better.

I believe the target audience will be mostly males aged 15-30, however it is not my goal to  make the game exclusively for these people and want anyone to be able to play and enjoy it just as much as someone else. I think this game would be successful as it would definitely appeal to a large proportion of gamers globally.  The prototype of this game in the context of this unit would mainly be focused on gameplay and the movement, however, I hope to be able to make the game nice looking with nice materials, shaders and assets.

Idea two: (Puzzle Role Swapper)

This second idea is one that I am much less passionate about however I still think it would be a good idea. The basic premise of the game is that you have different roles that you can switch to once each throughout the level. These roles could include things like swimming, changing gravity and other similar ideas. The player will use these abilities to solve the puzzle and navigate their way through the level.

The way the theme of connected fits this game is that the player must use the different roles correctly in order to solve the puzzle.

The target audience for this game would be 16-40 either male or female. This however would not be a restrictive target and would love to see everyone enjoying it.

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